This Secret Feature in Google Drive Lets You Add a File to Multiple Folders

Boaz Shmueli
The Startup
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2020


Photo by on Unsplash

This is a very short post about a rather hidden Google Drive feature that is very handy: adding a file to more than one folder. I use it regularly to organize my files on Google Drive, and found it to be very useful. I admit: calling this feature a “secret” is a bit on the hyperbolic side, but the truth is that this feature is not displayed in any of the online menus. Thus, you wouldn’t know of its existence unless someone told you about it! And this is why I wrote the post :)

OK, so take a quick look at the Google Drive file options that pop up when right-clicking on a file:

This contextual menu allows you to move the file to another folder (the Move to option). But that will remove the file from its current folder. What if you want your file to appear in more than one folder?

In fact, the menu already allows you to add the file to a special folder: the Starred folder. Add to Starred adds it to the Starred folder, and also keep it in the original folder. You can then view all the files in special Starred folder from the main menu:



Boaz Shmueli
The Startup

I enjoy explaining stuff. Postdoc Scholar at Academia Sinica