This Writer’s Journey Into Podcasting and What I Learned

Y.P. Wright
4 min readDec 16, 2019


When we start out as writers, we dream of joining the ranks of our most beloved print authors. Our goal, most of the time, is to become a New York Times best selling author akin to the likes of Joyce Carol Oats, Stephen King, or Stephanie Meyer. We eat, sleep and breath print-even in the digital age.

The more time we study and learn about the publishing industry, the faster our dreams change. Do we still want to be recognized authors? Of course, but we realize that the writing world is full of talented authors who might not get their big break by conventional means.

At least, this is true for me. Despite my consistent efforts to build a solid social media presence and many years spent in creative writing classes and at a keyboard, I realize that my future might not be in print-at least not right away.

Armed with this realization and a burning curiosity about up and coming trends, I’ve turned to podcasting. Ultimately, I want to get my work out there…even if it’s in audio form rather than print.

Everywhere I turned, I was hearing something about the rising medium. There was no denying its popularity. It seemed that everyone and nearly every business entity produced a podcast. To be honest, the idea became an obsession.

After a year of researching about the best hosting platforms, the best recording equipment, and the best audio software, I decided to go ahead and take the plunge.

What started as an idea has turned into a full time endeavor. While I knew plenty about the mechanics and techniques of writing, I knew nothing about podcasting or audio production. So I dove into uncharted waters and this is what I’ve learned.


Make no mistake, the podcasting market is quickly becoming saturated (even for creatives). If you venture into this space, don’t expect to become an overnight success. Just enjoy the ride for a while.

Currently, there are 700,000 active podcasts. Read that again.

That’s an increase of over 200,000 in a year. The number of listeners has also increased dramatically. That’s a lot of podcasts and rapid industry growth. Don’t let that deter you though.

Yes, it’s highly competitive, but rapid growth in a media platform is ideal for creative startups. Launching something new in a stagnant market is counter productive. Have some faith in your abilities and forge forward.

According to , approximately 86 million people in the U.S. listen to podcasts and that number is projected to rise to approximately 132 million in the next few years. There’s plenty of opportunity for success in this space.


It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of launching your podcast. But don’t forget about your social media accounts. Let your journey into podcasting enhance your social media presence. There’s a couple of reasons not to ignore Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

First, research shows that 70% of podcast consumers are actively searching for new podcasts on social media. It’s a no brainer, really. Think of creative ways to promote your show on other digital platforms. I regularly post updates about production progress and on occasion, I introduce my characters on my social media pages/accounts.


Everyone is looking for ways to monetize their digital spaces. Blogs, social media accounts, gaming channels, etc. can make advertising and sponsorship revenue. Podcasts are not any different.

Podcast advertising expenditures are projected to surpass half a billion dollars by 2020. Now is definitely the time to try your own journey into podcasting.

When you stop to consider the growing popularity of podcasts, it makes sense that advertisers plan to drop more money in the podcasting bucket to reach potential buyers.

I haven’t monetized yet, but I’m still in the early stages of show development. Thus far, I’ve only launched one trailer for the upcoming series. As my listenership grows, so will my monetization efforts.


Writing is my passion but I’m open to new ways to gain exposure. I’m tenacious enough to jump into another lane in order to get my writing front and center for my audience. It doesn’t matter to me if my audience reads or listens, as long as they enjoy the story I craft for them. So far, I love this journey into podcasting.

Originally published at on December 16, 2019.



Y.P. Wright

Inconspicuous observer happily chasing the carrot of achievement in the literary sphere, further enshrining myself in the poor house while obtaining an MFA.