Thoughts from Submitting My First Query

Am I a real writer now?

Jenna Goldsmith
The Startup


Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash
  • Wow! I just submitted my first query!
  • Oh god… I just submitted my first query.
  • That was too easy. Shouldn’t have it been harder?
  • It’s such an important step in my writing career, but it was so simple?
  • I should’ve added a little more to my book summary.
  • Was my book summary too long?
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash
  • Oh, I must’ve missed something important in my query letter!
  • But, everyone told me to keep it short and snappy.
  • I edited my book so much, there aren’t any typos in the sample.
  • What if there are typos in the sample?!?!
  • What if the agent wants to read the whole book?
  • What if the agent DOESN’T want to read the whole book?
  • Being a writer requires thick skin. I have thick skin.
  • If I get rejected I’m going to cry for hours.
Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash
  • Well, might as well get on with the next query.

