Three Consultant Suggestions to Stand Out in a Post-Pandemic World

No, I’m not talking about Creating Content.

Laura Burford
The Startup


Image from Pixaby

Are you tired of hearing the workforce of the future is changing? Or about the Great Resignation or the Great Reprioritization and the increase in the number of independent workers?

The world has changed over the last two years and many of the pre-pandemic future of work predictions have not only come to be but they have accelerated.

Vast changes in circumstances have resulted in business professionals becoming innovative in an effort to retain and attract employees and they are incorporating ways to engage the expert worker, the independent worker — you and me. That is good news for anyone who is a consultant or freelancer. But is it?

Much of the future of work advice I’ve read or heard about over the last several months is aimed at helping companies adapt. The advice is great but the advice isn’t for the independent worker.

So how does an independent worker— a consultant —ADAPT?

What does an independent worker, regardless to how long they’ve been their own boss, do so that they not only succeed but STAND OUT.

Here are my top three suggestions for ADAPTING FOR THE FUTURE and STANDING OUT in a Post-Pandemic…



Laura Burford
The Startup

Leveraging her Consultant's Blueprint, Laura helps Consultants & Freelancers use their MAGIC-their expertise and experience-to build successful businesses.