Three Pathways the RNA-Based COVID-19 Mutates

One of those pathways can cause the next pandemic.

Bruce H. Cottman, Ph.D.
The Startup


COVID-19 virus particles. Binding sites are purple, green, and blue. Source: Unsplash

The Coronavirus Has Been Infecting Humans for 1,000s of Years.

The Coronavirus has existed for a millennium alongside humans, infecting and passing between them. Coronaviruses also has frequently crossed species barriers, and some have emerged as important human pathogens. Those virus variants died off, becoming extinct because they killed the host.

Ancient deadly Coronavirus died off because the virus infection killed the host, and only immune hosts survived. We can assume that COVID-19 is a relatively new mutation of Coronavirus.

Most modern human Coronavirus originated from bats where they are non-pathogenic (to humans or bats), resulting in symptoms as severe as a cold.

So how did the deadly COVID-19 virus mutate from the Coronavirus?

How did COVID-19 become deadly to humans?

We know it mutated. However, infectious experts are not in consensus about which of the three candidate mutation pathways are responsible for the deadly COVID-19 mutation.

One pathway is mutation by replication error. Another possible pathway is jumping from human…



Bruce H. Cottman, Ph.D.
The Startup

I write my blog utilizing decades of experience in investment, programming, and data science.