Time-Aware Machine Learning Algorithms

black holes and temporal dimensions

Mark Cleverley
The Startup


As we move through the world, walking or flying in physical space, we also move through time. It’s well argued to be the 4th dimension, for good reason: it takes time to do anything.

But then it gets a bit more tricky — we’re probably in something resembling Minkowski Spacetime, which at its simplest means that time is bound together with space rather than being a separate, purely impartial ‘observer’.

This may clue us in as to why time dilation occurs at the edge of a black hole, among other things.

source: Visualizing stars’ impact on the ‘fabric’ of spacetime, compared to the ‘drop-off’ of the event horizon.

density = mass / volume : The singularity has zero meaningful volume, so any mass (50/50 as for whether or not black holes truly have “mass”) yields functionally infinite density.

the first ‘true’ image of a black hole

The universe’s fabric becomes terribly warped: once you cross the event horizon, the “singularity” is inevitable — even light cannot escape.
All possible movement is towards the center; the singularity then…



Mark Cleverley
The Startup

data scientist, machine learning engineer. passionate about ecology, biotech and AI. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-s-cleverley/