Time-Saving VS Code Shortcuts

Alice Wang
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJun 12, 2020

Do you ever watch experienced programmers perform magic tricks in their text editors and wonder how they did it?

Me too. That’s why I compiled this list of VS Code keyboard shortcuts you need to know. You’ll be shaving seconds off of every line you code.

View & Edit Shortcuts

Press ⌘K ⌘S to open up keybindings. You can easily browse or search for the command to view a helpful reference to its shortcut.

You can also add / edit / remove commands and their shortcuts using this guide.

Add Cursors

Using the mouse: option + click

Using the keyboard: command + option + up or down

Duplicate Line / Selection

Have your cursor on the line you want or select the lines and press shift + option + up or down. Both will create a new copy of the targeted line(s) of code underneath the selection.


Select next instance of the word your cursor is on / phrase you have selected: command + d

Select all instances: command + shift + l

Global Search & Replace

Open up the search panel with command + shift + h

When you do this it automatically populates the search input area with your cursor, so you can immediately start typing your search term.

Press tab and type your replacement term and press option + command + enter

Press enter again to confirm and press command + b to close the panel.

Note: You can exclude files or instances of the search term from being replaced or specify which files to target using the controls in the panel.

Cursor Jumping & Selection

Jump cursor word-by-word: option + left or right

Expand selection word-by-word: option + shift + left or right (NOT up or down — this will cause the selection to be duplicated).

Expand selection line-by-line: function + shift + left, right, up or down

Move Lines

Move line(s) up or down in your file: option + arrow up or down

Easy Formatting

To tab the whole file: option + shift + f

Only selected code: (⌘K ⌘F)

VS Code has default formatters for JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, and HTML, and you can download extensions to support additional languages.


Press (⌘K ⌘M) to search for and install emulators to bring keyboard shortcuts from other text editors to VS Code.

Toggle Terminal

If your cursor is in the editor, control + backtick will jump the cursor to the terminal and open a terminal if it’s not already open. If the cursor is in the terminal, control + backtick will close the terminal and return the cursor to its last position in the code file.


And that’s only scratching the surface! Feel like a l33t h@cker yet? Share your favorite VS Code tricks in the responses.

Additional Resources

VS Code Can Do That?!

VS Code’s official condensed keyboard shortcut guide for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

