Tips for Working From Home

How to transition from an office environment

Steven Ma
The Startup


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

If you’re used to working a normal schedule job in an office environment, transitioning to working from home can be a difficult adjustment.

There may be different reasons that you’re making this change. Perhaps you’re starting your own freelance or online business. Maybe you switched to a new position or company that allows you to work from home. Or maybe unforeseen circumstances require you to work at home, such as the current Coronavirus epidemic.

If you’re new to remote work, it may seem ideal, but can be very challenging. For some, the lack of structure is really hard to function in. There are a lot more distractions at home. And some people find that working alone can be, well, lonely.

But working from home also has a lot of advantages, and if you can capitalize on those benefits, you’ll be far more productive, as well as enjoy it also.

As a freelancer, I’ve worked from home for over 10 years. I’ve been part of various startups where I worked from home. And in my current full-time position, I work solely from home.

Here are some tips and strategies I’ve learned to make the most of having a home office.

Optimize Your Environment

