To Maximize Distribution, Minimize the Message

Possible posts to possible concepts, possible books from already content, it’s all in the transition.

Krinza Momin
The Startup
3 min readApr 29, 2020


More than ever before, publishers are offering blog‐to‐book contracts. To talk real, even snippets-to-podcasts! There’s a whole group of burgeoning communicators who aspire not necessarily to blog or tweet the point straight, but to write a whole book or to speak for hours and hours going circles. After all, if Justin Bieber can get a recording contract from the number of hits for his YouTube video and partially because he was really, really pretty (2009 crush alert), why can’t one get a book deal out of a blog?

Well yes, but here’s a deal; if you don’t provide immediate value, your readers will move along, and even though you hold this weird misconception that there’s value in length (as if saying more means doing more), that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Illustration by Golden Cosmos

We are inundated with information. People are starved for time and as such, they greatly respect and value short correspondence, blog posts, or messages.

The rise of blogs, podcasts, and even tweet streams have proven the demand for shorter reading experiences, experiences shorter than what the other options provide. So here’s how you can still maximize transmit value without overwhelming your reader.

Turn Books into Blog Posts

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Ever felt like you’ve spent most of your day reading and going through the pages of the books to get to the message you were looking for but end up finding nothing or less relevant stuff? Ugh, I know cause you’re far from alone.

Well, most people feel overwhelmed by the volume and intensity of words and chapters, and if there’s one thing you could do to spread the message out loud, is to trim the writing to its barest bones. Strip out unnecessary language, sentiment, chapters, fluffs, and flowers, and if possible turn it into a blog post.

Podcasts to Snippets

Photo by Icons8 team on Unsplash

Podcasting is already a big market now. Even I’m also a podcast person but the fact that podcasts are far less share-friendly than videos because of their long-form and audio-only nature, the distribution of the message to a larger audience still suffers.

People quickly skim over blogs, tweets, and posts to determine if they want to continue reading or not. Whereas, there is no easy way to do the same for podcasts, which is why turning podcasts into text snippets would work.

Not just that but if possible, you can always turn anything into something. Be it blog posts into tweetstorms, stand-alone tweets in tweetstorms, or whatnot, considering the meaning of the message is not lost.

And if this blog doesn’t make sense to you, read the below tweet by my new favorite from Twitter, Naval Ravikant.

I mean, you could have just read the tweet instead of this blog. Makes sense? Well, there I proved my point.

Note: To maximize revenue, maximize the message.

