To Start Your Online Business, You Don’t Need To Compete. You Need To Be Different.

Use your personality as an escape hatch from the competition.

Michael Lim
The Startup


Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

“You can escape competition through authenticity”

— Naval Ravikant.

I write in the most saturated niche on the internet — self-improvement.

But yet I’ve carved out a niche within that niche based on my unique skills, knowledge, and experiences.

These aren’t even technical skills either.

I embed my lived experience in my self-improvement content:

  • Growing up as a migrant in Australia.
  • Being a 4x award-winning social entrepreneur.
  • Quitting my 9–5 job and building a portfolio career.
  • Building a six-figure procurement and supply-chain consultancy.

People can’t copy me because they aren’t me.

When you combine unusual things together, you create a unique value proposition for your audience.

One that can’t be taught or replicated.

So what’s your greatest value proposition? You.



Michael Lim
The Startup

I help solopreneurs add $2-5k to their one-person business through my Limitless Writing System™ 🚀 Start here -> 🚀