To the People Who’ve Been Told To “Get A Real Job”

Spoiler alert; it does not exist!

Edith Tollschein
The Startup


If you are a creative. If you are a freelancer. If you have ventured from traditional employment to forge a career that works for you. I am sure you are tired of hearing the phrase; “get a real job.” Our societies are still stuck at traditional models of work.

We have not yet accepted that unpredictable jobs (creatives/freelancers) are “real jobs” too. As someone who started engaging her creative side way later in life, I got curious why creatives are rarely given the respect they deserve.

Respect by acknowledging the importance of their work in our respective societies and paying for it.

So, what entails a “real job?”

Is it a regular paycheck?

Is it the benefits that come with the job; health insurance, maternity leave, sick days, pension plan?

Is it having a cubicle and staring at a computer screen from 9 to 5 for 40 years or more?

We’ve been socialized to accept that if one’s job does not meet the above criteria, then they do not have a real job. They are not responsible adults yet. They are going through a phase that will pass.

