Top 9 iOS App Development Trends to Watch Out in 2020


Apple has become one of the prominent names in the Smartphone industry. That is why its iOS platform has also become the most popular mobile Operating system. Every year, we wait for the redesign and renovation of the iOS platform to find something new. However, Apple has also sophisticated the hardware of its devices. At the same time, you can find lots of latest trends in the iOS app development.

iOS app development company
iOS app development company

What are the most trending technologies in the coming years? How would they affect the development of iOS apps? IOS app users will find several interesting things in the future. With the evolution of these trends, the developers are also preparing themselves for embracing them.

1. Artificial Intelligence — one of the major evolutions in iOS app development

AI is now one of the major paradigms to cause a shift in the app development world. Lots of technologically skilled iOS application developers have designed the latest AI-based mobile apps.

For instance, we can find that Starbucks has released this type of iOS apps for its customers. While you have previously ordered snacks or coffee, the app can track it. Based on your order, it can place the present orders. Similarly, there are various other AI-based iOS-friendly apps in the world of finance. The apps can follow the verbal commands for making transactions successful.

The most notable thing is that Apple Siri can cause various transformations to Artificial Intelligence. These technologies are useful to make out the users’ activities in multiple ways.

That is why the best iOS app developer always tries to introduce them to mobile apps. Siri is useful to the users to find out the answers to difficult questions. Interestingly, another notable thing is that it comes with GPS features, enabling you to navigate easily throughout the country without any risk. In the coming years, you will find this functionality in several iOS apps.

2. Create ML

You may have already become familiar with Core ML 3. However, another relevant option for you is- Create ML. The developers are using it to create various new Machine Learning models. There is no need of writing any code for these models.

Apple has presented model training for this Create ML. You will learn the use of various datasets, including sound identification, object detection, and other things.

3. Internet of Things

From Apple Watch to television, IoT has found its way in various ways. You will also find its presence in the doorbell, light, security systems, refrigerator, and other appliances. An internet connection is now the best option to help users in controlling the systems from any place.

Admittedly, iOS apps have to embrace this IoT technology, and the users will be able to control anything remotely using those apps.

For instance, you can rely on your iOS app to know the amount of foods, left in your refrigerator. The best developers are making efforts to offer high-quality apps that focus on IoT technology.

IoT has also streamlined other industries, including hospitality, automobile, and retail. Thus, we would wait to see how this new trend would evolve in future years. Moreover, by combining it with Artificial Intelligence, the developers would be able to please the users.

4. Machine Learning technology- Specialized for iOS mobiles

The Core ML, introduced by Apple for iOS 11 smartphones, enables the smooth running of apps. These apps have better learning potentials. Several app developers have created apps by applying this ML technology.

From the face recognition capability to language processing, every functionality has made the apps much better. The present app market has lots of innovative iOS apps, having Machine Learning capability.

5. Proper management of files with a special app

While Apple has introduced iOS 11.3, we have become familiar with the app- Files. Files app, created with Cloud-based technology, is best for managing the files. The mobile users will be able to store the data in a file, accessible anytime from any device. However, it is most popular for corporate users.

To use this app, you have to create your dashboard to store the images, videos and other types of files. Thus, this iOS app can save time, as the users do not need to search for files from various places. The information-sharing process also becomes easier for the development of Cloud-based iOS apps. The iOS developers would also create this type of app for the users.

6. Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality, introduced by Pokemon Go, will have more developments in the future. Lots of industries have already started relying on technology.

Thus, the iOS app development company has also thought of creating AR apps for their clients. They use the ARKit platform for these apps. Moreover, you can find AR-enabled smart glasses and various other devices. These glasses are capable of displaying your Smartphone screen to you. They will also give you various types of data on cooking, traveling, shopping, and other things.

Hence, we can say that the development of better iOS apps and trending technologies make our life easier.

7. Swift 3.0

This programming language would become more popular with iOS developers. The new version of Swift has turned out to be the major attraction to the iOS mobile app development. The most important thing is that this language is easier to use to the developers. Thus, the developers will think of increasing their use in the future.

However, we have already found the introduction of Swift 4 and 5, the user-friendly programming language. For a more robust and scalable app, the developers are using it. The application development process becomes uncomplicated due to the use of Swift 4.

8. Security of iOS app

Security has become an essential factor for the app developers. You know that Apple has ensured security to the Operating System. Similarly, the developers must also add strength to the security of every iOS app. App Transport Security has become compulsory, as announced by Apple. For the apps, created for iOS 13, it is a must for the developers to add App Transport Security.

9. Apple pay will become more user-friendly.

Apple has released a digital mobile-friendly wallet for iOS users. Mobile users and iOS wearable users are now able to make transactions faster. Without any security issue, you can use the Apple Pay app for payment purposes. For instance, you can book flights, hotel rooms, and various other services.

While you have hired developers for iOS app development services, they will integrate Apple Pay to the app. Thus, your app users will be able to pay you online. There is no need of using their debit and credit cards.

We can now conclude with our views on the iOS mobile app and technological development. The technological developments will continue, and both iOS users and developers will get benefit from it. You will also find the release of developers’ tools. These tools would be reducing the time for developing the app. The developers will apply the latest technologies for offering the best product to the customers.

Moreover, they will ensure minimal bugs in the apps. Hence, you can hire developers for creating iOS mobile apps for any purpose. They will provide you with the desired outcome.

Source: Future of iOS app development



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