Top Clubhouse Groups for UI/UX Designers

Cadabra Studio
The Startup
Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2021

Since Elon Musk named Clubhouse to be his favorite social network, the app’s popularity started growing exponentially. But in case you lived on another planet for the past few months, we’ll tell you about the network in a nutshell. Clubhouse is a new social network where users can communicate by voice only. Currently, the platform remains closed to the broad public because one can get there only by invitation of a friend who is already registered in the Clubhouse.

Users communicate in so-called rooms — audio chats, which can be public or private. The room has moderators, speakers, and listeners. The latter cannot participate in the discussion until they use the “raise a hand” function and are approved by the moderator — and then they will become a speaker.

Most of the Clubhouse rooms that are open to the public are dedicated to a specific topic, which is indicated in its name. Users can find topics they are interested in and also see which rooms the people they follow are in.

The main benefit of the Clubhouse is an opportunity to listen to and ask questions in real-time to celebrities like Elon Musk, Kevin Hart, Mark Zuckerberg, and many others.

Some people have already become Clubhouse fans, while others still feel skeptical about all the hype. Anyway, there’s one thing we are sure about the new network: it has lots of exciting content for digital product & web experience designers .

This article will cover the most popular clubs for UI/UX designers and those who want to enter the profession. Just find an invite, search for the clubs you’re interested in, and participate in the next audio chat arranged by the club.


The fastest-growing group for those looking to accelerate into a UI/UX design career and current UX professionals. If you want to collaborate on a room or host a room under the club, contact the club owner and ask for this opportunity. So if you have something to say to the design community, this would be a great opportunity for you.


A group for women in product design, product management, and UI/UX. Every Thursday at 1 pm EST, there’s an AMA (ask me anything) session to get answers from people in the field. Grab the opportunity to communicate with top female experts in design.


As the club creators describe the groups themselves, this is “a space dedicated to discussing conscientious, multidisciplinary design, the convergence of tech as a growing lifestyle augmentation, as well as digital and tangible products that continue to proliferate within our lives. This club also discusses topics such as the value proposition of inclusivity and accessibility of diversified creative teams, the ethical implications of hyper-localized marketing pertaining to wearable technology, empathy in design, humanistic approaches to the creative process, the toxicity of homogenized creative thinking, and more.” If all those complicated words didn’t scare you and warmed up your curiosity instead, go ahead and join the club!


A club where designers gather and connect in a meaningful way. There you can ask questions and hear advice from fellow designers and senior design leaders. The club has two regular series: weekly cheсkins for designers on Mondays at 6 pm PST, designers happy hour on Fridays at 4 pm PST. This club looks like a great professional community to discuss design and non-design topics.


The club welcomes all designers and non-designers to come and chat about all things design. If you would like to be added as a member, don’t forget to ping the club creator. The creative community is looking forward to meeting new members!


It is a space for anyone with an idea to learn how to think, validate, test ideas and understand the patterns of value creation through design thinking. In this club, people discuss how to design, test, and deliver the products that customers want. This group will help you make your ideas in your head, help you visualize them on paper, and teach you how to design in the business world.


It’s a club where product managers and designers discuss product design decisions, trends, frameworks, and origin stories with thought leaders and creators of products you love and use. This is a great club for UI/UX designers who want to explore product design and maybe transit into the new field in future.


Passionate product designers from the offbeat path are sharing their origin stories in Silicon Valley. In this club, you can get your questions answered from career and mindset to Silicon Valley. Featuring weekly Q&As with senior designers. This club is one of the best sources to get useful information from top-notch specialists in design and development.


The group is for people looking for a web designer/developer and professionals looking to offer their services. Here you can get tips, tricks, and hacks to help you stand out from the competition to help drive more sales. This club will be useful both for designers and the business owners who want to find design experts to join their team.


The YouTube channel, podcast, and now the club, where people discuss what is design, who are designers, who is it for, and who needs it the most. The goal of this club is to build a community of intellectuals and free thinkers. The dialog is managed by a fair, open, but structured moderation style. If you were looking for a sophisticated design community to join, this club might be right for you.


EXPDSN (Experiential by Design) is an in-depth dialogue with pioneers around experiential design, exploring how we might design better experiences, digital or virtual, for human transformations and connection. It looks like this club is a great place to share your experience with fellow designers, and get some insights from them.


Whether you are a designer, developer, strategist, researcher, or writer — this is the space for you. In this club, people discuss topics like transitioning into tech, becoming a creative leader, designing with inclusion in mind, reducing the designer-developer friction, future trends, and much more. In this group you’ll have a chance to talk to CTOs, design leads, design agency owners

As you can see from the long list of clubs, Clubhouse has a lot to offer to everyone interested in design, creative thinking, product management, and similar fields. If you have favorite clubs or people we didn’t mention here, please share them in the comments! And don’t forget to clap to this article if it was useful to you.



Cadabra Studio
The Startup

We design complex things to be simple. And we do it with purpose