Data Science

Top Data Science Trends of 2021 Everyone Should Know

Learn about the prediction in 2021

John Matthew
The Startup


As an enterprise discipline, data science is the inverse of AI. The one is an unrestrained field during which creativity, innovation, and efficacy are the sole limitations; the opposite is bound by innumerable restrictions regarding engineering, governance, regulations, and therefore the proverbial bottom line.

The actual business value praised by enterprise applications of Artificial Intelligence is always taken from data science. They feature a vital distinctive correlation with the data scientists for getting extensive and well-researched data.

If organizations can avail the complete spectrum of info, then they can reach the boundaries of data science to overcome smart feature creation, data preparation, selection, and model standardization — all available options which will lead to tangible advantages for the deployment of Artificial Intelligence.

Learn About the Predictions for 2021:

1. Growing Wave of Digital Transformation

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The data is the new currency in the era of digital transformation. It goes in hand with Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), the Internet of Things (IoT), and big data.

All these advancements have become a part of our daily life, whether you talk of voice control appliances or big manufacturing plants where everything is controlled and operated by a machine connected via the network. With all this automation, also come a great responsibility to deal with data and how smartly it can be utilized. We still got to learn a lot from this wave of digital transformation to better understand and process the looming arrival of quantum computers.

2. Rapid Boost in IoT and AI

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According to International Data Corporation (IDC), the global technology spending on the IoT would reach $1 trillion in 2022 at the CAGR of 13.6% over the period of 2017–2022.

According to Ericsson the number of IoT connections is expected to reach 3.5B in 2023, increasing at a CAGR of 30%.

Even AI has become more accessible as compared to earlier reach. Now AI is getting utilized to help both small and big businesses to improve the whole business performance, process, and hence the value. It has added an extra value by eliminating the chance of getting an error and improved the overall flow of work.

According to Gartner, by the end of 2024, 75% of enterprises will shift from piloting to operationalizing AI, driving a 5 times increase in streaming data and analytics infrastructures.

3. Big Data Becoming Part of All Businesses

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Now every business, whether small or big, rely on data to deliver a better service or product to their customers. You voluntarily or involuntarily must have shared your information with some store and become part of that big data set.

Like SaaS, DaaS (Data-as-a-Service) is also in trend. This is nothing new, but a lot of new additions like, map data providers to product catalog vendors changed the whole concept.

All the data are now stored in the cloud, whether it’s the information of your Netflix favorites or some product in your Amazon’s wishlist, everything can access and processed very easily. This has become cost-effective as well for businesses.

4. Evolution of Predictive Analysis

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Data analysis has always been a very important strategy to achieve the goals with a competitive strategy for the business. Many companies process the big data with the help of different tools to find the reasons and then serve the solution to their customers. In this, Predictive Analysis plays a very crucial role to predict what may happen in the future as per the present data it has processed.

Data Scientists analyze the big data and categorize everything as per their need. After filtering the data, they make predictions, and with the help of this predictive analysis done on gathered data, they predict the customers’ behavior. This helps the businesses come up the smarter and improvised strategies to target new customers, while better serving the current customers at the same time.

All this has helped businesses achieve success with a decreased error rate.

5. Augmented Data Management

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This integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence is used to optimize and improve operations. It also helps in converting metadata to powering dynamic systems. Products of Augmented data management can examine operational data, including queries, schemas, and performance data.

Data and analytics leaders should search for active metadata enabled by augmented data management to simplify and consolidate their architectures and increase automation in their redundant data management tasks.

6. Extensive Data Analytics

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Since starting data and analytics have been considered distinguished capabilities and handled accordingly. Many tools used to collect data and then make a workflow to deliver the analytics report. This was not that much depth-analysis previously. But now, the collision of data and analytics has decreased the gap between them and increased the interaction & collaboration. This coalition will help the traditional analyst become the explorer.

AI and ML are continuously making upgrades in this and decreasing the effort for the users. Now with the help of available tools, one can easily focus on people and processes to improve collaboration and communication. These types of ecosystems where data and analytics collide have the potential to deliver logical stacks.

7. Blockchain in the Data World

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Blockchain is one of the most secure ledgers and has a variety of applications. One of the well-known applications is a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. But it has some missing point which should be covered to make it more effective in data and analytics. If the mismatch between data management infrastructure and blockchain technologies be covered, then it can have a far-fetching in the future because of its strong data security.

8. Greater Adoption with Better User Experience

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With the advancement in text and speech recognition, users can directly ask questions to businesses in their own language. Data discovery by artificial intelligence will help in the mining data for analytics and suggest what’s new, interesting, and different. Personal assistance provides seamless access to entertain the users directly and cater to all their queries and requirements.

Integrations with some tools have helped in analyzing the data in a real-time system with the help of dashboards designed to better understand the data. These data help in understanding the footfall of the users and other viable information that they need for running a business successfully. These tools when integrated with Business Intelligence (BI), delivers that more relevant insights to each user based on their context, role, or use.

9. Applications in Medical Industry

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This pandemic has been a great lesson for all the industry, mainly the healthcare industry. Many businesses have gained interest in investing in human welfare. Many countries like the US, spends a lot on public healthcare. As per Mckinsey, the US spends 17.6% percent of its GDP on healthcare expenses.

This has given rise to the application of big data in the field of medicine.

Now data scientists use all the medical data ever accumulated to find cures in a much faster way. The application of big data with the help of AI has helped run extensive research on vast data, which was earlier very difficult. The clinical data is exponentially increasing, so the need for of advancement of tools is increasing as well. This will keep on increasing as well as the need for experts who can process these data smartly.

10. Big Data to Help Global Warming Research

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Organizations doing research to study climatic change have started adapting the advanced approach in their research. The UN Intergovernmental Climate Change (IPCC), has a lot of back data which they are using to view and predict climate change.

The data is getting collected from numerous sources all over the globe and from the satellites stationed in space. In earlier times, it was difficult to even think about the relation between the solar system and the earth’s climate, but now with the help of all the data and analytics, climatic changes are predicted with such great accuracy.

These predictions and effects directly or indirectly affect human life, so it will prove to be a breakthrough in analyzing the reason and might also be helpful in providing the solution as well.

In the near future data is going to become a legitimate currency for all industries. One just needs to learn how to extract and process the data. It’s all going to be about data and analytics. This requirement has given rise to many data science consulting services and data analytics services but it’s never a waste to learn something on your own.

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John Matthew
The Startup

☞ Built and sold 2 startups as a business-side entrepreneur. ☞ Grew topline revenue to $20M by building a nationwide movement. ☞ Invested $30M as a VC.