Trump’s Lies About Unemployment and the Economy

John Coble
The Startup
Published in
9 min readJun 28, 2019


Do we really have the lowest unemployment ever?

Photo by Anita Jankovic on Unsplash

I was trying to write a really good story about a ‘Better Green New Deal.’ I was checking some of my data regarding unemployment when I stumbled across some unexpected information.

I knew that Trump’s exaggerations regarding low unemployment were ridiculous but I didn’t know that there was clear data showing how far off his claims are. It was obvious that his claim that ‘African-American unemployment is the lowest in history’ was silly. There was a time when African-American unemployment was at zero. As a matter of fact, it was once illegal for African-Americans to be unemployed. The means by which this zero unemployment was achieved is considered so awful that the method was outlawed by the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. This method was called ‘slavery.’ Please don’t inform Trump about this method; he might try to bring it back. If you think I am trying to be funny, think again. What is the limit of the inhumanity of this President? This President has refused to stop engaging in unthinkable inhumane policies at our Southern border, he might do anything.

A Closer Look at the Unemployment Numbers

Let’s look at the formulas to determine the unemployment rate.



John Coble
The Startup

I am just your average everyday lawyer/coder/accountant/data scientist/blogger with a left-wing tilt.