Truncate Text Easily in Your Vue.js App with Vue-Clamp

John Au-Yeung
The Startup
Published in
8 min readDec 20, 2019


Long text often needs to be truncated to fit on the browser window. You can do that with CSS or JavaScript. However, there’s no quick solution with CSS. With CSS, you have to do something like:

.truncate {
width: 500px;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;

This does not let you control how many lines of text you want to show, so we need a better solution. The Vue-Clamp package lets us truncate text to display the number of lines that we want. It updates automatically when you resize the window so you always get the number of lines displayed that you specify.

In this article, we will make a note taking app that lets users write notes, save them, and delete them. In the home page, we will use Vue-Clamp to truncate the text to only display the first 3 lines. There will be an edit form where the full text is displayed.

We start by creating the new project. To start, we run Vue CLI to create the project files. We run npx @vue/cli create note-app to start the wizard. Then in the wizard, we select ‘Manually select features’, and select Babel, CSS preprocessor, Vuex, and Vue Router.

Next, we install some packages. We need Axios to make HTTP requests to our back end, Bootstrap-Vue for styling, Vee-Validate for form validation, and Vue-Clamp for the text truncation. To install the packages, we run npm i axios bootstrap-vue vee-validate vue-clamp . After installing the packages we can start…

