Trust the Process

Stick with it, don’t stray from it

Toby Hazlewood
The Startup


Follow the path wherever it may lead (Photo by Fabien Bazanegue on Unsplash)

There’s a phrase painted upon the walls of my local gym, adopted by the owner and lead-trainer as her personal mantra and slogan; Trust the process.

As I occasionally look upon the bright orange letters, with steady streams of eye-stinging sweat running from my brow, I’m both taunted and and encouraged by it. In both its simplicity and its accuracy it captures one of the biggest truisms of my life. It applies in my pursuit of success and significance in work and in my personal life too. It reminds me of the cause-and-effect consequences of the things that I do (and don’t do) repeatedly.

Trusting the process encourages patience in the face of processes that take time to deliver results and benefits. The gradual and sustainable loss of weight; growing a business; the steady building of sustainable fitness and weight loss; mastery of a technical skill or ability. Each of these demands more than just doing-the-doing. They require patience, persistence and consistency of action day-in, day-out. They demand both action and also a faith that the results will come over time.

Patience is a virtue

To trust the process is to acknowledge but ignore inner feelings and thoughts of doubt, particularly as we pursue things that take time to achieve. Massive…



Toby Hazlewood
The Startup

A writer, dad and husband sharing his thoughts, wins and losses to help and inspire others.