Trust the Process

Laura Jaramillo
The Startup
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2018
Photo Taken in Colombia, Quindío.

Its been a while since I posted here in Medium. It is the end of the school year and for those like me who are teachers, you know what testing season is like.


Since I haven’t made enough time — I admit- to write extensively about a topic, why not share something short and (hopefully) sweet?

Here’s my reflection on the recent and hectic last months of school.

Testing season is officially over today. And to all of my hardworking colleagues, I want you to consider my reflection on this past school year before you begin to murder yourselves with questions like the following: Will my students improve their scores? Will they pass the test? Did I do my best? Did I teach EVERYTHING? Will I be re-hired? or am I in deep sh***?

Here it is:


We live in a world in which we are expected to become great, in every aspect of our life, from one day to the next. In a world where we need to be great, do great, and look great. In a world so overtly demanding, that half of the things we do today were due yesterday, if not the week before.

And here is the catch:

This pressure causes us to go NUTS! Hence we seek relief in consuming drugs and harmful foods that we believe will help us keep up with this unrealistic lifestyle. This then becomes a vicious cycle of unhealthy eating habits, caffeine, alcohol, or drug addiction, constant fatigue and insomnia — to mention a few.

So to avoid or heal all of the above we should learn to trust the process.

Learning to trust the process of life, does not mean sit back and wait for things to happen. It means putting forth your maximum effort but being patient enough to live the present moment. To allow the seeds you plant to sprout and grow and let your achievements unfold one victory at a time. It means that despite the outcome, you should sleep well knowing you tried your best, and if need be, you’ll try harder next.

Live one day at a time, and see your greatness shine.

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