Trying to Improve Docker Performance on macOS Using Mutagen

Testing if using Mutagen improves performance in comparison to NFS volume mounts. Comparing MacOS Docker performance with Linux.

Orlando Thöny
The Startup
4 min readOct 9, 2020


This post is also available on my blog.

Performance improvement by using Mutagen compared to NFS volume mounts: ~25%. Mutagen causes high CPU usage when using multiple syncs. Development experience not ideal due to delays until files are synced. Issues with intentional mass file changes being prevented by Mutagen safety mechanisms.

TL;DR; when using PHP / Drupal
xDebug increased Drupal response times by about 5–6x. I’ve added an environment variable that allows disabling it on Docker run if I don’t need to debug.


I’ve been using Docker for local development for some time now. The performance has been lacking, to say the least. Compared to other setups like using a VM provided by VirtualBox or running bare-metal directly on the machine. I investigated a bit and the culprit was volume mount performance (as expected). Running on Docker without volume mounts is multitudes faster.

However, Docker provides advantages as well. Especially if using Docker in production. Having the same - or a very similar - setup as in production can be very valuable.

Thus I looked for possible optimizations.

After reading some articles, I decided give Mutagen a try:

Mutagen setup

First off. What is Mutagen? What they say:

Mutagen provides real-time file synchronization and flexible network forwarding for developers, extending the reach of local development tools to cloud-based containers and infrastructure.

It allows to sync files from the host machine to Docker containers. An option to replace volume mounts.

Sounds great, no need for slow volume mounts. And still the same functionality and development workflow.

Using docker-compose

I first tried to configure it using Mutagen’s docker-compose feature.

Didn’t work though, I figured out afterward that I need to create all mount point directories in the Dockerfiles. And make the user that is running inside the container the owner of these directories(For example in the DB container the user with ID 1111). Otherwise, Mutagen cannot write to the mount points. Make sure the user’s home directory is also writable, see this issue for more info. Otherwise, it will fail to use the mutagen agent.

Here’s a simplified version, didn’t fix it though so it doesn’t work:

Using Mutagen commands

I also ran into the issue of Mutagen preventing mass file changes because of its safety-mechanisms. Drupal has commands to export configuration, which writes a lot of files at once. So this is a problem for my case.

This made me scrap the docker-compose approach. So I used Mutagen’s shell commands to gain more flexibility:

So now I have a working Mutagen setup.

Next step. See if it actually is any good.

Comparing MacOS + Mutagen vs Ubuntu + volume mounts

I thought volume mounts are fast on Linux systems. So let’s set one up to have a comparison. Using Ubuntu. And testing with a Drupal 9 project.

Response times are averages of 50 requests.

MacOS + NFS volume mounts

Average response time: 13.0558s
This is the setup I was using for development & hoping to improve.
As you can see, response times are not great 🙁.

Our reference system: Ubuntu + volume mounts

Average response time: 9.2684s
I thought Docker on Linux was fast? Better than MacOS. But still, slow as a 🐢.

What’s going on here? 🤯🤔

MacOS + Mutagen

Average response time: 9.7394s
Better than the initial setup. Similar performance to Linux Docker. Still slow.

MacOS + NFS volume mounts, PHP xDebug extension disabled

Average response time: 1.6025s
Aha! That’s the culprit.


Disable xDebug when you don’t need it.
I added a flag via an environment variable in my case. Disabling it when I don’t need the debugger for the time being.

Mutagen's performance compared to using volume mounts was better in my case, using MacOS. I still decided to not use Mutagen.
It had drawbacks that were not worth the marginal performance improvement to me:

  • The CPU usage was very high when using it. Often on 100%. (Using a MacBook Pro 2019, i7). Maybe this is because I used quite a few volumes.
  • The delay until the files are synced is a pain when developing.
    When I change some code, I want to be able to instantly see the result in my web browser.
    The polling intervals can be configured. It was not really an option for me to make them shorter. Since my CPU was already at its limit.

FYI: Docker for Mac is also adopting Mutagen. They first added it in version 2.3.10.

What are your experiences with Mutagen? Do you use other performance optimizations for your Docker development environment?

