Twitter Spinner — Flutter

The Startup
Published in
3 min readJan 21, 2020

Welcome to this tutorial to create Twitter Spinner in Flutter

You can connect with me on Instagram

Let’s start by seeing our end goal-

Breaking down

Let’s break down the problem

  • Draw a light blue bordered circle
  • Draw a blue incomplete bordered circle
  • Keep on rotating the incomplete bordered circle

Let’s solve problem 1

Problem 1: Draw a light blue bordered circle

Let’s check the output

What did we do?

  • Created a CustomPaint widget
  • Passed an implementation of CustomPainter to parameter painter
  • Created a class named TwitterSpinnerPainter which inherits CustomPainter
  • Use paint() method to draw the circle
  • Use Paint object to define inner circle look
  • Draw the inner circle on canvas
  • Set shouldRepaint to false since there are no UI changes

Let’s solve problem 2

Problem 2: Draw a blue incomplete bordered circle

Let’s check the output


What did we change?

  • We added a constructor for TwitterSpinnerPainter and get the value of starting angle of incomplete circle
  • Used Paint object to define outer incomplete circle look
  • Initialized value of arcAngle, which defines how much of the circle is visible
  • Draw the incomplete circle as an arc on canvas
  • useCenter is set to false to avoid lines going to center
  • shouldRepaint remains unchanged

Let’s solve problem 3

Problem 3: Keep on rotating the incomplete bordered circle

Let’s check the output

What did we change?

  • Added a new TwitterSpinner widget(Stateful widget)
  • Initialize AnimationController which controls the animation
  • Add a Status listener, which restarts animation once it is completed
  • Initialize startAngleAnimation with controller and a linear curve, which means the animation will be linear
  • Starting the animation once all initializations are done
  • Instead of passing a non-changing value of starting angle, we pass value from startAngleAnimation which increases linearly from 0 to 2 * pi
  • 0 to 2 * pi will complete full rotation
  • To make it efficient, we only repaint if the angle changes

Check the project here.

Thank you for staying till the end

More flutter spinner blogs-

I will be posting more about flutter, so stay tuned :)

