Un-Break My Heart: 8 Reasons You’re Not Moving On

Breakups are never easy, but if you know you should have moved on by now and haven’t, you need to explore why.

Wendy Miller
The Startup
Published in
10 min readNov 19, 2019


Breakups are hard. There are tears, frustration, confusion, and doubts. You have questions and might not get answers. You have to get your things back, or split your belongings if you lived together. There’s nothing simple or quick about a breakup.

But there’s always a point where you start moving on. That point is different for everyone, but you usually know where it is for you. You know when you’ve crossed that line and should be moving on. So what if you aren’t?

Some relationships are harder to get over than others. They lasted longer, you had kids, or the person was just that damn special to you. How do you know whether you just need more time or whether you’re doing it to yourself?

There are ways you can hold yourself back from moving on. Take a look at these and see if any of them describe you.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

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