Universal Search: The Most Important Tool for Digital Minimalism

Omar Zahran
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJun 22, 2020


Space Gray iPhone X photo
Image Credit: Omid Armin via Unsplash

In my younger days, I worked at an Italian restaurant for 8 years. 5 of those years involved cooking in the kitchen, with 3 of those years involving me taking responsibility for most of the output of the kitchen. This sparked a love of cooking that I still have today. Whenever I cook I think about the reliance on a tool. Every cook has that favorite cooking utensil that they must use every time. For me, that tool is my chef knife. Regardless of what I am cooking, I am more than likely to use that knife. It is an indispensable tool that is crucial to me making a proper meal.

It is this knife that I think of when I use a universal search app on my phone. In recent months, I have dove into digital minimalism for my sanity. To take away the distractions that come aplenty in the modern smartphone experience is an exercise that more people need to take for their sanity. There are so many distractions on a smartphone. Moving wallpapers, persistent notifications from hundreds of apps, and page after page of app icons and widgets. There is so much going on with smartphones these days, that our minds need a way to step away from the madness. The tool that is essential for this task is universal search, an often underutilized tool on our phones.

What is the Point of Digital Minimalism?



Omar Zahran
The Startup

Freelance sports writer fascinated by the stories that our favorite teams and athletes present to us