Unlimited Vacation Days — the newest fad of startups

Aytekin Tank
The Startup
Published in
6 min readOct 22, 2018


Originally published on JOTFORM.COM

Cool, the breezy air carrying the salty, fresh smell of the ocean.

Lovely, green fronds of palm trees tousling lazily in the wind.

Warm, white, fluffy sand. Crystal clear Caribbean water.

And, you, in the middle of it all, sipping on a cool pina colada.

While this beach scene may sound like a mid-day office daydream, we all know that vacations are a superior way to relax and recharge our minds.

And relaxation is just the tip of it — there are numerous health benefits from regular vacations:

With the effects of proper vacation time so beneficial and important to health, the popular startup fad of “unlimited vacation days” sounds like a dream come true.

With endless vacation days, a mid-day office Caribbean daydream could become reality, 3 times a year.

Unfortunately, what tends to happen with these “no policy” vacation policies is that employees end up taking less time than those with fixed vacation policies.



Aytekin Tank
The Startup

Founder and CEO of www.jotform.com || Bestselling author of Automate Your Busywork. Find more at https://aytekintank.com/ (contact: AytekinTank@Jotform.com)