Unlock Endless Writing Inspiration (Now)

My process for creating on shitty days.

Maya Sayvanova
The Startup


Image by Canva Pro

Even if you’re a writer by birth certificate, writing doesn’t always come easy.

This applies to everything. There’s nothing that always comes easy, even if you love it and are damn good at it.

So if the success of your business depends on you writing & creating every day, how do you show up on the days with 0 inspiration and still create great things?

A surprising discovery.

Last year I went over my online writing stats and tried to find a pattern across my most successful pieces.

One of the things that surprisingly emerged — and there’s no way for anyone else to notice this but me — is that some of my most successful content was written on 0 inspiration days.

On days when I:

  • Had 20 min to write.
  • Was tired, angry, underslept or underfed. Or all of the above.
  • Had NO ideas. None. My brain was a Moon landscape.

That’s when I wrote this post, which got boosted and made almost $2K.

That’s when I wrote this post, which got me 5 paid newsletter subscribers 5 minutes after I sent it out.



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