Unlock Your Earning Potential With This High-Level Life Hack

“It’s simple arithmetic: Your income can grow only to the extent that you do. “— T. Harv Eker, Mindset of a Millionaire

Jonah Malin
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJan 21, 2019


Let’s be honest. Most of us don’t understand how money works. We merely understand it’s purpose and the role it plays in our survival.

We also believe in the routine of money, endlessly copying the same series of steps set by everyone else.

Does this scenario sound familiar?

Go to 4 year college and graduate with degree

Select job for entry level salary and title

Slowly work your way up the corporate ladder

Start a family and buy a home

Dream about retirement for 20 years

Retire when the time comes

Our gold standard of success; the path to a comfortable life.

In reality, that is an ordinary mindset producing ordinary results.

It’s hard not to get caught up in job titles, respect, promotions, and your annual salary. I’d be…



Jonah Malin
The Startup

Words that perform like Joaquin, sing like Celine, get remembered like Dean, & ooze tigers blood like Sheen.