Unpopular Opinion: 50k Working for Yourself Will Always Be Better Than 100k Working for a Company

Many people only focus on what they can get in the short term.

Desiree Peralta
The Startup


Photo by Kampus Production

50k working for yourself > 100k working for a company

Many people will read the article and feel I’m crazy. How is half of the money working for yourself better than a 100k salary working for a company?

But I’ll tell you something: I’ve been in corporate jobs for nine years and only two months working for myself, and no matter the money I’m making now, I’ve never been happier or more successful.

Let me tell you here why.

There is no limit to how much you can grow when you work for yourself, no matter how much you earn now.

One time, I needed a raise because I wanted to help more around the house because my father was sick and I was in college.

When I went to human resources, the manager sat down with me and was completely transparent, “Desiree, your salary is at the top of the position right now, and it’s excellent compensation.”



Desiree Peralta
The Startup

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice https://dessyperalt.substack.com/