Unsuccessful Writers Have These Traits In Common

A crash course in what *not* to do

Scott Stockdale
The Startup


Photo by Joy Marino on Pexels

“All happy families resemble each other, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

— Leo Tolstoy

Unsuccessful writers remind me of the quote above — except they’re the ones who resemble each other.

But what does writing success look like?

I’m not talking about “best-selling author” stardom. No — we’re talking thousands of views, subtle fame, and making money from writing.

As someone who’s quietly doing these things, I consider myself successful. But it didn’t happen overnight. I experienced many struggles along the way.

So in this post, I’m going to share the traits all unsuccessful writers have in common.

Think of it as a crash course in what NOT to do.

Unsuccessful writers don’t show up every day

Give yourself 40 minutes a day to type words on a screen.

This is non-negotiable. If you’re not willing to do this, you don’t want success bad enough — and that’s okay. Writing isn’t for everyone. Just don’t kid yourself.



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