Use Mapbox Popups with Vue 3

Pascal Luther
The Startup
4 min readJan 13, 2021


Mapbox is super cool. 🥳 Vue 3 is super cool. 🥳

Bringing them together can be a bit tricky though.

In this article we will look at how to use a Vue 3 (single file) component as content of a Mapbox popup, while keeping full reactivity and all features of Vue 3 that we so love.

TLTR; In Step 1–3 we will quickly set up a Vue 3 project that uses Mapbox and displays a layer that we want to click on to show the dropbox. If you already have a project setup like this, you can just skip to steps 4+5.

Step 1 — Setup Project

Let’s quickly setup a Vue 3 with the newest version of the Vue CLI:

npm install -g @vue/clivue create projectname

Make sure you have the newest version of the Vue CLI is installed so your created project is actually a Vue 3 project!

Now run your projects with npm run serve and you should be able to see the following on http://localhost:8080/:

“Welcome” app

To make life easier, let’s remove all not needed content so we will have an empty App.vue file like so:



Pascal Luther
The Startup

Cloud Product Architect by day, recreational web-developer by night. Currently a big fan of Vue & Nuxt.js and of going serverless with Google Firebase.