Use of else block with Python loops

An awesome feature that most programming languages do not offer

Sagun Raj Lage
The Startup


“An else block can exist only when an if block exists before it.”

As a programmer not belonging to Python background, I was a strict follower of this rule. But I was left awestruck and confused after I saw one of my friends’ Python code that used an else block after a for loop. So, I performed some research and found that Python provides a feature, that allows us to use an else block with for and while loops. The else block after a for or while loop is executed only when that loop is not terminated by a break statement. I’m very excited to show you how it works.

else block with a for loop

To demonstrate the execution of an else block after a for loop, let’s consider the following code:

The output of the code given above would look like this:

Printed because there was no break in for loop



Sagun Raj Lage
The Startup

Author of Getting Started with WidgetKit (2021) | Research Associate at UGA Savannah River Ecology Laboratory | iOS Engineer | Full Stack Engineer