Using AWS Lambda[1] — Setup

Rahul Tripathi
The Startup
Published in
4 min readSep 7, 2020

Before getting started with lambda setup lets take a look at our use case and how we landed on serverless as a solution to our problem .

Problem statement :- Every product has its website and so did ours but it wasn’t accessed very frequently as majority of our traffic was on the mobile application , but sometimes we witnessed traffic surge .

Solution :- To serve the Rest APIs required by the website , provisioning a server was not the best solution as it would require more maintenance and we had to pay even if there was no traffic


Using serverless functions we could easily serve the needs of the website without worrying much about the provisioning , maintenance of the server and also paying only for what we use

Summary :- This is why we chose serveless as a solution to our problem but this is not the case every time as lambda itself has some drawbacks and in a few cases provisioning a server is better , so choose wisely

Ingredients :

To build a serverless backend you’ll need ,

Made by me on onenote

Recipe :

Setting up aws lambda is very easy , all you need is good code . You can find awesome guides on getting started with serverless and that should help you set up a basic hello world “ function . I’ve listed down a few steps incase you need them

these steps are too simple

And here is a sample serverless.yml file to define your function


But wait , you don’t run hello world “ in production ? The basic example has some drawbacks if you're running it in production

  • You need to zip the code every time and update it through the lambda console , which is not considered a very good practice
  • If you’ve multiple event triggers , you’ll have to set them up and update them manually


Sam is a service provided by AWS to deploy serverless applications with ease , Sam takes care of provisioning and updating every service related to the service definition . SAM is basically a wrapper around Cloudformation , if you’ve used that , Also it makes local development a lot easy . All you need is a template.yml file.

And now you can use simple commands to deploy , test your function . Before starting make sure you’ve properly configure AWS-cli with proper roles

  • Build
sam build
  • Deploy
sam deploy --guided
  • Test
sam local invoke

to test using the api gateway

sam local start-api

Getting started with sam might take a while if you’re not familiar with cloudformation , but it’ll make developing and deploying lambda easier

Considerations to keep in mind while using Lambda Functions

  • Lambda functions do not have a static ip
  • You need to configure lambda to be accessible in VPC
  • You cannot access the Internet from Lambda , for that you’ll need to add a NAT gateway to your VPC

Using RDS In Lambda :

If you want to access RDS from lambda , it is highly recommended that you use RDS Proxy ( to connect to database . RDS Proxy will manage a pool of warm connections so that when functions scale , they do not overload your db by eating up all the connections also make sure your lambda is in the same VPC .

Accessing S3 from Lambda :

to access s3 from lambda , you need to add a VPC Endpoint ( to s3 in your VPC , you cannot directly access s3 from lambda

