Using CloudFront to secure your web applications

Richard Fan
The Startup
Published in
8 min readApr 8, 2020


Cybersecurity is a hot topic now. If you search on Google about how to protect your website, you may find many buzzwords, IDS, IPS, WAF, DDoS, Proxy, you name it. You may think protecting your website is difficult and expensive and it is worthless to invest in security if your website is not critical.

Cyberattack is more common than you think

A human hacker may not bother sneaking into your website and change the headline of your homepage. But in most cases, your website would be hacked by a bot which constantly guessing your login password. They can even inject code redirecting your customers to some malicious websites. The frequency of these hacks and the impact on your business are much higher than you think.

Using Amazon CloudFront to protect your website

Amazon CloudFront is a CDN service which allows us to delivers web content through the AWS network. By doing so, we can lower the traffic to the server as CloudFront will cache the content. We can also hide the webserver and prevent it from direct attack.

We don’t have to place the server in AWS to use CloudFront. In this article, I am going to walk you through on how to set up CloudFront as a reverse proxy to your existing website.

