Using TypeScript with MongoDB

Combine the power of TypeScript and MongoDB to create a scalable, production-grade database

Bret Cameron
The Startup


MongoDB is a versatile NoSQL database, commonly paired with Node.js. Instead of tables and rows, it uses collections and documents to store data. But what makes it so versatile — the fact that no schema is required — can also make it more difficult to scale and maintain, particularly in a large, production-grade application.

This is where tools like Mongoose and TypeScript come in handy. While many MongoDB tutorials cover Mongoose, far fewer discuss how to introduce TypeScript into your MongoDB projects. That’s why I’m writing this article. In it, we’ll discuss ways to combine MongoDB with TypeScript, bringing the advantages of type-checking to our database.

The tutorial is not an introduction to either MongoDB or TypeScript, but rather provides a strategy for using them together. For those who want to skip straight to the finished code, there’s a repo link at the bottom!

1. Setting Up MongoDB

This article assumes you know how to install MongoDB, create a database and connect to it. If you’re unsure about that or need a quick refresher, check out my article MongoDB: A Beginner’s Guide, which covers setting up a database in the…



Bret Cameron
The Startup

Writer and developer based in London. On Medium, I mainly write about JavaScript, web development and Rust 💻