Valuable Questions for Workplace One-On-Ones

If you’re not talking to your employees, who are they talking to?

Lance Baker
The Startup


Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash

I’ve written previously about the connection between self-awareness and innovation. In short, I argued that more people are valued as authentic individuals, the more likely they are to become creative contributors.

The problem is that not all leaders are self-aware, nor do they know how to develop an authentic relationship with their team to cultivate that much-needed value.

Many people end up in management because they’ve been with the company for a certain number years or because they were proficient at the job they were put in charge of managing. Neither scenario means they are necessarily qualified to be a manger. Being a great programmer does not mean you’ll be a great manager of programmers, for example. They are entirely different skill-sets.

So maybe you are a manager who doesn’t quite know how to develop a team, or perhaps you are a seasoned manager looking for new tools. Whatever the case, Susan Scott in her book Fierce Conversations: Achieving Success at Work and in Life One Conversation at a Time provides an excellent list of questions that can be used for productive one-on-one conversations.

Questions To Ask



Lance Baker
The Startup

A fellow observer on the journey through life. Trying to cultivate a deeper way of being in the world.