Vue vs. React vs. Angular

Which to learn? Which to use? Which is best?

Matthew Tyson
The Startup



Having gone deep on all three frameworks now, I’m going to give you a brief inside track on this ongoing debate.

It’s actually an extremely important question for every project, and for every developer:

Which frontend framework is best?

And by that I mean: Which should you learn? Which should you choose to use, if that choice is yours?

If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine. — Jim Barksdale (?)

Before proceeding, you might be interested to learn how these frameworks are conceptually similar:

Adoption and Viability

Stackoverflow and Git Stats

First, let’s look at adoption and viability. What I mean here is: are you adopting a framework that is going to undermine the mid/long-term viability of your project?

