Want to Be Financially Free Through Writing? You Need This One Skill

(Hint: It’s not writing)

Scott Stockdale
The Startup


Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

For nine months, I had the pleasure of working with Tim Denning.

You know Tim.

He’s an “Aussie Blogger with 1B+ views.” His writing has made him seven figures, and he has over a million followers across Medium, LinkedIn, X, and Substack.

I’ve also connected with Sinem Günel.

Like Tim, I’ve been a fan of Sinem for years, so you can imagine how honoured I was when she reached out!

Screenshot from my emails

Why am I telling you this?

Spending time with financially free writers has given me unique access.

And I now see that one skill separates writers like Tim and Sinem from everyone else.

Let me explain.

The good news is financially free writers aren’t the best writers

  1. They work hard
  2. They know how to use words
  3. They’re great at putting their points across

