Want to Improve Your Writing? Find Someone Who Edits It Like a Child.

We can’t grow unless someone points out our ugly writing.

Catherine McNally
The Startup


Parenting is never easy, especially when your child throws you for a loop like my cousin’s kindergartner recently did.

Just the other day, my Aunt H. shared the latest escapade my cousin was wading through with her son, Jackson. He’s five or six years old now, and what my mom calls a “little dickens.”

Jackson’s latest social faux pas was calling another little girl “fat and ugly.”

Cue the sharp inward suck of breath, right? To us adults, that’s a huge no-no, and most of us would never say such a thing, even if we’re telling it like it is.

But children don’t have the same verbal filter that we adults do. They’re not afraid to state the facts — or at least they haven’t learned to keep such thoughts to themselves yet.

Sometimes, though, we need this kind of blunt, child-like analysis. And when it comes to writing, this is even more true.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Writing is an art, a skill that gets better with practice. As with any skill…



Catherine McNally
The Startup

Creator, writer, artist. 🎨 I write about sustainable productivity, rest, and clawing your way out of burnout.