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Washed Up At 80 Years Old

What do you write when you’ve hit the wall?

Helen Cassidy Page
The Startup
Published in
6 min readAug 2, 2019


I hit the ground running.

My first article on Medium went viral. No accident it had sex in the title. I did my research before I hit publish. I’m old, not stupid.

Then it got curated, and you couldn’t stop me.

I was writing an article a day, getting comments, followers and fans. I didn’t know the difference, but so what. They say only 50% of writers make a dollar a month. The first Wednesday rolled around, and I’d made bank. All $13 of it. Beat the odds out of the chute. Not bad for a little old lady who can’t walk straight. Take that, Father Time, I said. I’ll show you and your misogynistic buddies: arthritis, near-sightedness, and short-term memory loss.

No writing surface was safe from my ideas for articles: 25% off sale flyers from The Neptune Society; Medicare notices; the latest catalog from the orthopedic appliance company.

By month-end, I was on a high. Only two weeks in, and I’d made $66. Second month I was canceling bingo dates at the senior center to write. My editing clients were banging on my door screaming about missed deadlines.

Did I care? I had a chunk of cash from Stripe in my bank account. All $188. 10k a month club, here I come, I thought. Go suck lemons…



Helen Cassidy Page
The Startup

Writer, editor, researcher, aging expert, life coach, sand tray coach. Read one of my 55 titles on Amazon: