We formed this company because of Coil

Enter Billions
The Startup
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2018

Learn more about Coil here and take your idea from a simmer to a coil. (That is the only coil pun in this article, promise.)

We are revamping our website and adding more content ever-so-slowly, so please watch out for new developments within the Enter Billions ecosystem.

First, let me say that Enter Billions is agnostic and impartial towards any particular blockchain technology or use case within the crypto-sphere. Success will lift all authentic, non-scammy boats. With that said, we could not have imagined this business model before finding Coil. Quite literally, we would not be here without it.

I am personally delighted to make a statement such as that one and give credit where credit is due. Too often an idea just remains an idea or a concept remains a concept, and nothing happens after. The snake eats its tail and dies.

The scale of each and every blockchain-oriented startup could be massive. And Enter Billions isn’t any different in this respect. Not only are we looking at the prospect of hearing new voices, we’re going to soon see cross validation across the blockchain community, loudly reverberating into other sectors/traditional corridors deemed too unthinkably hostile to decentralization, frictionless value exchange, the future, etc.

You currently hear phrases like “It is only a matter of time” and “It’s not if but when.” Ultimately, it is up to a group of people getting together, sharing ideas, and creating something through hard work. It is up to a community and everything that represents a community nowadays, even if the idea has been completely reimagined or reworked via social media, redistricting, gerrymandering, and old ideologies being abandoned.

Every origin story is unique.

How we inevitably brought people outside of blockchain into the space will be over-generalized in the future, but the series of FUD battles and blood and seemingly endless hours scratching at the annals of history will be unique, unrepeatable, and priceless.

No one has to explain memes and how memes work on the Internet anymore. In the same way, eventually, given enough of those YouTube tutorials (kidding) no one will have to explain what the heck this bitcoin thing is. The specifics of how we brought people in will not matter in 20 years or 30 years. It is our hope that the remnants of the communities we built together remain and are not forgotten.

Maybe it is a little too early to be discussing remnants and pieces of history that haven’t been written yet. We will see.

Welcome to the Enter Billions floodgate. To the Coil team, thank you for enabling the flow.

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Enter Billions
The Startup

We harness payment streaming to add utility everywhere. The next marketplace layer built on social tipping is coming.