We still don’t care enough about security

Neville Lahiru
The Startup
Published in
5 min readMay 2, 2020


With many of us stuck inside our homes, a pandemic like COVID-19 is an apt opportunity for hackers to strike. But even as ample awareness takes place, the average consumer doesn’t care about security as much as they should. Why is that? In a word, convenience.

Take Zoom. Remember those few days where almost everyone reported about Zoom’s many security issues? Governments and tech giants publicly banned employees from using the software. Yet, there seems to be no slowdown of Zoom meetings. Even media platforms that reported about Zoom’s security issues continue to use the software publicly. Times like these, convenience is so important. Particularly when it involves technology.

In Zoom’s case, the value offering as a means of convenience far outweighs the cons for the normal user. When you’re trying to make a living amidst a global pandemic, you would want technology to make things easier for you.

But this isn’t unique to Zoom or COVID-19. Even Microsoft Teams, a competitor to Zoom, was vulnerable enough that company data could have been stolen by a simple GIF. One might think that something of that nature will entice users to tread carefully in the online space. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case.

Cybersecurity has long been a concern in the general domain. But cybercrime has been on the rise…



Neville Lahiru
The Startup

Freelance Tech Journalist & former Digital Marketer. I spend most of my time writing about tech, business, and occasionally personal. Inquiries: lahiru@hey.com