Web UIs for WireGuard That Make Configuration Easier

Tate Galbraith
The Startup
Published in
6 min readMar 4, 2021


Photo by Privecstasy on Unsplash

Getting up and running with a new VPN technology like WireGuard isn’t always the simplest process. If you’re new to VPNs as a whole this can be even more daunting. There is a lot of new terminology to learn and configuring each connection can be a challenging endeavor.

Although some of the configuration for WireGuard has to take place on the command-line, the ongoing administration, some of the setup and client configuration can be abstracted away nicely behind a web UI.

In this article we’ll check out some third-party projects that aim to simplify managing WireGuard servers and establishing new connections to existing WireGuard peers. These projects help reduce the time it takes to get up and running with WireGuard, allowing the speed and efficiency of this VPN technology to shine.

Most importantly, nobody likes staring at a drab CLI all day. These projects make your network management tasks more visually appealing and display the information in a much simpler format. Let’s take a peek at a few projects now.


The wg-ui interface.



Tate Galbraith
The Startup

Software Engineer @mixhalo & die-hard Rubyist. Amateur Radio operator with a love for old technology. Tweet at me: https://twitter.com/@Tate_Galbraith