What Are RBMs, Deep Belief Networks and Why Are They Important to Deep Learning?

In this article, we are going to take a look at what are DBNs and where can we use them.

Prince Canuma
The Startup



A Deep Belief Network(DBN) is a powerful generative model that uses a deep architecture and in this article, we are going to learn all about it. Don’t worry this is not related to ‘The Secret or Church’, even though it involves ‘Deep Belief’, I promise!

After you read this article you will understand what is, how it works, where to apply and how to code your own Deep Belief Network.

Here is an overview of the points we are going to address:

  • What is a Boltzmann Machine?
  • Restricted Boltzmann Machine
  • Deep Belief Network
  • Deep Boltzmann Machine vs Deep Belief Network

What is a Boltzmann machine?

To give you a bit of background, Boltzmann machines are named after the Boltzmann distribution (also known as Gibbs Distribution and Energy-Based Models — EBM) which is an integral part of Statistical Mechanics and helps us to understand the impact of parameters like Entropy and Temperature on the Quantum States in the field of Thermodynamics. They were…



Prince Canuma
The Startup

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