What Are The Five Things You Should Never Put In Your Pitch Deck?

brett fox
The Startup
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2019


“We need to show them (potential investors) how everything functions at the transistor level,” our VP Engineering, “John”, said to me.

“I don’t know,” I said. “From what I’ve seen as an EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence), that will go over the heads of investors.” Then, I continued, “But, if you want to do it that way, then go for it. We’ll learn whether you’re right or not.”

Picture: Depositphotos

We included the detailed engineering description in our pitch. We were doing a practice pitch to two of the partners at the fund where I was an EIR.

We got to the engineering section of the pitch, and Dave, my mentor at the VC fund said, “That’s way too much detail. You’re going to lose everybody if you do that.”

Amazingly, John still didn’t want to believe Dave (who, btw, was a very good engineer with significant expertise in our domain). It was a warning sign that John wasn’t going to be working with me much longer.

Getting too much into the technical details is just one of the things you should avoid doing in your pitch deck. There are many more things you should avoid including:

A. You shouldn’t wait to make your key point until your fifth or later slide.



brett fox
The Startup

I work with startup CEOs to help them grow their businesses . I built several businesses from $0 to >$100M. Learn more at https://www.brettjfox.com