What are you afraid to write?

Your greatest growth comes in your discomfort zone

Frank McKinley
The Startup


Photo by Aaron Thomas on Unsplash

You’ve probably heard the experts say, “Write what scares you.”

Why is this good advice?

You grow the most in your discomfort zone.

When you’re comfortable, you watch TV. You sit on the couch. You wing it. Nothing goes out of control because you minimize surprises. It’s all neat, tidy, and safe.

And you won’t be any better tomorrow than you were today.

My Three Biggest Fears as a Writer

If I’m honest I’d say I’m afraid to write:

  • Something boring
  • Something outside my wheelhouse
  • Something super controversial
  • A story

Why am I afraid to write these things?

  • Disappointment when no one reads.
  • Getting the facts wrong
  • Drawing a legion of haters
  • No experience writing stories.

It’s one thing to be afraid to do something you’ve never done before. You imagine how scary it will be. Your palms sweat before you strike a key. Your mind freezes as you struggle to find a word…



Frank McKinley
The Startup

I like to figure things out and share what I find. My favorite topics are faith, communication, business, and personal growth. https://skl.sh/2Xp1p8d