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What Can Machine Learning Do for Your Business?

Machine learning techniques, benefits, and costs

Jamie Bullock
Published in
7 min readDec 16, 2019


In this article, I’m going to explore how machine learning can benefit a business. I will also explore the business risks associated with incorporating machine learning into a product.

Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

A Brief Definition

For our purposes, I will define machine learning as:

an approach to computing that enables programs to generate predictable output based on a given input without using logical rules

This means that instead of having a developer code the behavior of your software, you would instead train a machine learning system with examples containing the output you want.

For example, in an app that recognizes people in photographs, you wouldn’t program in advance the characteristics of every person you wanted it to recognize. Instead, a machine learning algorithm would learn what different people’s faces look like based on human-labeled examples.

