What Coding Bootcamp Students Do In A Typical Day

Sarah Daniels
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJul 1, 2019


Photo courtesy of Flatiron School.

Like most humans, I love routine. I like to plan, organize, and have my life under control so I can expect the unexpected as gracefully as possible. I worked full time as a registered nurse, had a carefully curated budget, and (slightly embarrassingly) had a cleaning schedule from Pinterest hanging on my fridge. I had it down. In contrast, I also appreciate novelty. Although I love nursing, I was ready to augment my career with something (very?) different. Enter coding bootcamp. A strange world where the rules are made up as you go and the points don’t matter. Read: an experience that will force you to be flexible and encourage you to push yourself for personal mastery, not a letter grade.

As someone who has subjected themselves to the traditional education system for many years, structure and letter grades were my jam. I needed to know exactly what was going on 8 weeks from now and yes, that 89.8% is earning my chemistry professor a persuasive essay in her email inbox. After this bootcamp, I came to realize I wasn’t focused on QUALITY and retention in college… I was conditioned to focus on the numbers. If you can relate, the first few weeks at a coding bootcamp will be a bit jarring. However, if you hang in there, I promise you will feel a sense of accomplishment stronger in a few months than you did in 4+ years of traditional schooling.



Sarah Daniels
The Startup

Software engineer & registered nurse based in Boulder, Colorado.