What completing the Inktober drawing challenge can teach you

Amy Rogers
The Startup
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2019


This year, I participated in the Inktober drawing challenge for the third time. For every day in October, I drew an original ink drawing according to the challenge’s prompts and shared my results on Instagram.

The Inktober challenge was started by American artist Jake Parker as a way to improve his inking skills. It’s since become a global movement, and this year’s Inktober has been the biggest yet. The hashtag #inktober2019 has been used for over 5.3 million posts on Instagram. It’s even making news headlines.

The prompt list for this year.

I’m not someone who gets fanatic about things but I push myself to finish this challenge every year, without fail. The amount of growth and enthusiasm I have for drawing during this time blows my mind.

Besides having more pieces for my portfolio, I’ve learned some important lessons. About myself, being bravely confident, and getting the best out of my time and skillset.

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Amy Rogers
The Startup

Making clever things with Gubbins · Passionately curious 🌟 · https://bento.me/amyrogers