What do You Know about job offers for Data Scienist?

Gutelvam Rodrigues
The Startup
Published in
5 min readSep 14, 2020



Many people say that terms related to the Big Data area are becoming a buzzword, but all the knowledge that refers to Big Data, Data Science and Analytics represents much more than words that are in fashion. There are several types of professionals inserted in this market, it is not only the professional Data Scientist who is part of this ecosystem, we have Data Analysts, Data Engineer and Data Architect and among other professions that are emerging with the advent of the large volume of data, generated in great variety and speed.

Humanity has never generated so much data, and companies that are well positioned are ahead in terms of attending, as if they do not join, they have great chances of going bankrupt. In this way, the professional who chooses this career has the potential to ascend in the career maintaining the continuous study, to follow the trends.

Now I have a point of view to defend on the reality of these aspects, as an aspiring Data Scientist. How is the market for data scientist? What does the data present to us in this regard?

To answer these questions, I used data from the kaggle platform, Data Scientist Jobs.

The dataset contains 3909 records extracted from Glassdoor. The data aim to demonstrate the relationship between salaries, city and positions based on the big data field.

Part I: What are the most common jobs of big data?

Here we have a chart that shows the five most popular positions in descending order, clearly with this sample we can note the position of Data Scientist as the most popular, followed by Data analyst and Data Engineer.

However, as mentioned in addition to popular positions, it is possible to note the appearance of new positions on a smaller scale such as Data Modeler and Data Architect.

Most common jobs in dataset

The data in this case were aggregated by title of the position, but with this visualization it caused me another question, about how is the hiring of data scientists.

Part II: which company had the largest number of jobs for data scientist?

In this case, it becomes easy to infer that larger companies tend to hire more Data Scientists correct? The answer is not always, with the following chart we can conclude that although the biggest ones lead the offer of positions for data scientist, there are some companies that are not internationally known that are ahead of brands like Google, Spotfy and eBay.

Companies hiring

This is very interesting, realizing that the race to extract insights through data is not just for big companies, but for everyone who wants to grow with this revolution. With the ranking revealed, I was immediately amazed, so I asked myself “What’s it’s size, is it small, medium or large?” of the companies present in the dataset. Thus, it was possible to answer this question according to the image:

Classification of companies

As a result, we realized that approximately 70% of the companies with the greatest job offer in Data Science are large, but the interesting thing was that 9% were small companies or entrepreneurs. Of the small companies (1 to 50 employees) stood out Solekai Systems Corp, Management Decisions, Inc and Pro Lancer. Interesting isn’t it? This led me to the next question, continue reading that will have the clarification.

Part III: in which sector are most of the data scientist jobs?

This question had a fully expected answer, what shocked me was that there are sectors that invest little in data science, making a sea of ​​possibilities for a professional well positioned in the market. Education and manufacturing can be an investment to create services that involve data science, since it is still an area apparently lacking and with little demand for this professional.

Most common sector to Employee Data Scientists

Unfortunately in the dataset it did not contain temporal information to be able to capture trends, so I created one last question.

Part IV: What’s the best city to find a Data Scientist job in this dataset (the most demand)?

In this question the intention was to know the cities with the highest concentration of jobs for Data Scientists, as expected the largest metropolis in the USA, New York was in first, followed by the Chicago and we have four cities in California in the top 10. That’s amazing right? as you can see the top 10 is composed for six states.

Jobs of Data Scientist by cities


In this article, we look at how the market for Data Scientist is, according to data from Data Science Jobs present in kaggle repository. We can reflect that the positions offered by data Science are still predominantly provided by technology giants, but it is possible to infer that there is a tendency that small and medium companies are trying to be part of the accelerated transformation that the world is immersed in.

The findings here are observational, not the result of a formal study. So the real question remains:

-— What Are You waiting for to choose a Big Data Career? — -

To see more about this analysis, see the link to my Github available here.

