What Do You Want To Be Most Proud Of In The Next 3 Months?

Danny Forest
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2018


A few days ago, I wrote about a question I was asked by a friend I hadn’t seen in four months: What are you most proud of from the last 3 months?

It’s a great question that leads to deep self-reflection.

Then yesterday I had a nice comment by Heide Lindgren; she went to a group where that same question was asked, but also a subsequent question:

What Do You Want To Be Most Proud Of In The Next Few Months?

For her group, it was actually focused on a more distant future. But I prefer shorter-term goals, so I’m adapting it for 3 months.

I personally really like that question too. It’s the kind of question I think about when I journal.

Think About Pride

Every new year millions of people make New Year resolutions that they end up breaking. It’s just an idea they tossed around near the end of the previous year.

They don’t think about what would make them proud.

Pride is a strong feeling. We all want to be proud of ourselves. Here’s a good definition of personal pride:

“a feeling, deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements[…]”

When you think about the goals you want to achieve in the next 3 months or so, think about how it will make you proud.

A lot of times, it’s a great motivator to accomplish things you procrastinate on doing.

What I Will Personally Be Proud Of In The Next Three Months

Few things really.

I’ll have published my company’s first game: Soul Reaper — Unreap Commander.

I’ve been working on Soul Reaper on and off for 4 years now. I’m so proud of nearing the completion of a first version of the game.

I’ve received grants for it and I’ve had a successful feature by Square Enix Collective.

And finally it will be released!

I’ll have published my first book: 31 Stories To Motivate And Inspire You To Work Harder And Build Momentum.

I never aimed to write a book. In fact, I’m not writing anything new. It’s a compilation of the things I’ve written here on Medium. I’ve written so much more than I thought I would and the content has been appreciated so much that I’m putting it in book format.

Publishing that book is a stepping stone in my writing journey and I’m really proud to make it happen.

What About You?

  • What Are You Proud Of From the Last 3 Months?
  • What Are You Proud Of Currently?
  • What Do You Want To Be Proud Of In The Next 3 Months?

By thinking about that strong feeling, you’ll have a deeper desire to accomplish your goals.

Think about it when you set goals. When you procrastinate. When you achieve things.

You can do this!

Thanks for reading and sharing ! :)

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Danny Forest
The Startup

Polymath. Life Optimizer. Learner. Entrepreneur. Engineer. Writer.