What do Your Readers Want from You?

knowing your audience is the key to writing success

Christina M. Ward
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJul 13, 2019


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

We writers, as sometimes reclusive as we can be, do not write in a bubble. We toil, we create, we size up words, select the best and arrange them carefully into organized thoughts.

And then we send them out into the vortex.

Who captures these words? Spends time with them, swirls them on their palette and tastes each concept for validity and usefulness?

The Readers Define Your Success

The reader. The audience. That pool of human beings we strive to grow, drop by drop.

Being successful at writing can be defined by one parameter: How well we know and resonate with our audience.

“What is writing? Writing is telepathy.”
― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

When I first began blogging, I began on Wordpress. I quickly came to the conclusion that while it was inherently satisfying to place my words in a background of serene blacks, whites and grays, with graphics I loved — getting followership was difficult.

What was harder than followership was getting feedback. And feedback is gold. Without it we are spinning in our bubbles, writing for…



Christina M. Ward
The Startup

✨WEBSITE: https://fiddleheadsnfloss.com/ ➡️ Bylines: LA Weekly | OK! Mag | Village Voice | Men's Journal | Vegamour | THS 📖Books available on Amazon