What does it take to delegate?

Giulliana Viana
2 min readMay 20, 2020


Basically, delegation requires identifying a qualified person to take on new tasks and responsibilities. However, it requires much more than that. I certainly do not pretend to be an expert and deliver an exhaustive study of delegation success factors. I would simply like to share what I have learned from my own experience as both a leader and a subordinate.

Firstly, it requires the understanding that authority can only delegate tasks, not accountability. When empowering a subordinate, the leader is the one who will remain accountable for these tasks or decisions before their superiors. Therefore, the delegation process demands awareness that mistakes can be made, with the understanding that learning must also be celebrated.

Failing is difficult enough, but failing in a blame-rich environment, where there is very little room for learning and innovation, can be very frustrating. People will likely not feel confident enough to make bold decisions or to innovate in an environment in which failure is punished and there is only space for success.

Delegation Poker Cards

Secondly, it requires good communication between the leader and the team. Whoever is receiving the responsibility must feel confident that the assigned task can be successfully accomplished. This also requires the leader to be committed in providing support whenever it is needed. Delegating does not dismiss collaboration.

Another reason why good communication is so important in this process is the fact that delegation is not binary. There are many different levels between anarchy and autocracy. Therefore, if the delegation levels applied to each matter are not clearly defined and communicated, decision boundaries will not be clear. This can easily lead the team to a lack of confidence in making those decisions. In my experience, tools such as delegation boards and delegation poker have proven themselves very helpful in bringing clarity to the delegation levels defined for each matter.

Delegation Board Sample

Finally, delegating requires trusting in your team and understanding that there can be different approaches for solving the same problem. By delegating, we may also be contributing to a learning organizational environment, in which problems can be investigated from different and fresh perspectives. The delegation exercise can often turn into a great learning opportunity — especially for the Lead.



Giulliana Viana

IT delivery Lead and former Professor. Interested in emerging technologies, digital transformation, leadership development, and neurodiversity.